LI:write a persuasive piece of writing using ethos. pathos, and logos.
Repeating Ads and Programs
Watching the same program over and over is sick. Instead of watching that I’m very sure you can change each program to a new one every single day. It’s always on when I come back home from school.
Firstly, we never have a break from seeing the same faces on television, watching ads on tv makes me bored because it’s always about dishwashers, hand soap, best houses, and conditioners. The program that should be on every time is the news. So everybody can see what’s happening around the world. It should show the sick people so it can have everybody's attention to raise money up for the people in need. To help the sick, the poor, and everybody out there needs help.
Secondly, it should show everything that's important in our lives.
It should show schools that needs help with their education, their uniform, programs in school, and about their learning. So all schools can see what’s happening so they could fundraise for those schools.
Lastly, Some ads are unbelievable over the limit using unacceptable languages and using violence in their acting. Ads should show participation of people finding new lives.