
Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Our Father

WALT: Identify the number of petitions in the Our Father and what they are about.

Our Father
who art in heaven
hallowed be thy name
thy kingdom come
thy will be done on earth
as it is in heaven
give us this day our daily bread    - Asking lord for food
and forgive our trespass  - Forgive our sins
as we forgive
those who trespass against us  - forgive those who sinned against us
lead us not into
temptation  - Do not lead us into badness
but deliver us from evil  - But deliver us away from evil

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Healthy Lunches

LI: Analyse text to identify examples of ethos, pathos and logos.
Persuasive Reading Analysis:
Take another look at the persuasive piece of reading/ writing.
What strategies does the author use to try to persuade you?
Below are strategies writers often use for this form of writing.  Read through each

strategy and decide whether the author used that strategy by writing yes or no in the second column. If you write yes, then explain how the author used that strategy.