
Friday, 13 December 2013

My Chromebook Reflecting

Talofa lava. In Room 5 we are learning about,  how has having a net book, connected to the internet, helped my learning this year? 

How has having a netbook, connected to the internet, helped my learning this year? How has having a netbook, connected to the internet, helped my learning this year? Because you don’t need to get heaps of books, there is something called ChromeBook that can help you on anything  you just need to search up on the internet,
it’s faster because you can’t search on your books. The dictionary might not have the correct answer you're looking for.
Your ChromeBook will only be the one that you need to snip and snap and get your keyword on the internet and look for the right answer you’re looking looking for.
Everyone is gonna be happy when they get their dream come true when they get their ChromeBook.

My Best Thing I done On My ChromeBook Was Making A Video for Africa.

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Do Not Start A War

In Room 5 we are learning about the people in advent. Isaiah said what will it be like if God's rules are on earth. Isaiah said nation shell not lift sword to another nation, that means there will not be any kind of war but peace.

The Maori Cloak

I Room 5 we are learning about the Maori cloak. The staff that was in it, it's all about my learning. The prestige has to wear it on the night, when they have to celebrate the 7 Matariki Stars , I know when I have learn't this when I used it on the night when the 7 Matariki stars show up.

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

My Special Map

I like people to go to the NZ on the map and see what staff have we been doing in School.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

The Musical Instrument

In Room 5 we are learning about traditional musical instrument. Every instrument has different notes, I know when I have learn't this when I have used it in my social studies.

The Blue Giant Star

In Room 5 we are learning to discover the the different types of stars and communicate what life would be like as a tourist there. I know when I have learn't this when I have used it in my
writing of a postcard to my family about my star.

Monday, 2 December 2013

The Fractions

In Room 5 we are learning about different fractions, that makes a whole. I know when I have learn't this by using it in maths time.

The Saints History

In Room 5 we are learning about Saints. Saints can change your life into a better one, They will make you  believe in God. I know when I have learn't this when I have used it in our R.E.